Monday, February 9, 2009

I don't have kids yet, so this is my entertainment! be honest, I wanted my first blog to be about something REALLY amazing! Like Matt and I getting approved for our first home loan and pictures of our (soon-to-be) AWESOME house :) or Matt getting an awesome Graphic Design job, or something like that....

BUT....I couldn't pass this up...

Those of you who know my dad, know that he is VERY intelligent and pretty serious most of the time (Although he has a HYSTERICAL sense of humor). He has always been fairly slow to speak, and you can actually see him thinking about what he is going to say before he says it. I've always admired that about him, b/c sometimes I just blurt things out without thinking! Anyhow...for this reason my dad doesn't usually say silly things...

Except on Friday.... :)

We were sitting at Dinner at Pizza Inn on Friday Night, just having random conversations. My dad asked Matt how his day at work was and he started talking about some guy who has a LOT of stuff in Pawn.

So I started in on how this guy had a Hummer, and a chopper, and another car in pawn along with a TON of other stuff. I kept going and my dad says.....

Whoa! This guys has a helicopter in pawn!?!?

No Dad....that would be a COPTER....not a CHOPPER.

I DIED laughing!!!!! I still laugh out loud when I think about it!


  1. That's funny, Steph! I can hear your dad saying that!

  2. *hee hee*

    So glad you got this puppy up and running! Something for your *ahem* spare time at work....
